Welcome to Dial4exportmarket.com, India’s premier online information portal. Dial4exportmarket.com's prime objective is to spread genuine information in a way that makes our business a matter of reliability and trustworthiness. We would like to present before you our terms and conditions in order to establish a truly authentic business relationship with you.
Terms and Conditions
Dial4exportmarket.com gathers information of the registered users and the visitors after the acceptance of conditions from the user end. The information is not shared without user permission.
A user agreement governs all information, services, software, documents and materials available on or maintained by Dial4exportmarket.com.
Breach of mentioned terms and conditions by user end will result in instant termination of membership or authorization.
It is not recommended/proposed that you proceed with any specific business event of any person or organization without verifying the details.Dial4exportmarket.com only uploads general business information.
Dial4exportmarket.com will consider plagiarism and misappropriation of information as offensive practices that will be prosecuted in accordance with the terms and conditions.
In accordance with the copyright law and other intellectual property rights laws, Dial4exportmarket.com holds all exclusive rights and authorizations to protect the information/materials/services/contents In violation of copyright laws, unauthorized copies of information, materials, services, or content are illegal.
Under no circumstances, the user can hold Dial4exportmarket.com liable for their damage caused by any business transaction performed by them. It is user’s responsibility to ascertain the truthfulness of the business.
It is under the sole discretion of Dial4exportmarket.com to alter the terms and conditions at any point without prior information to the concerned stakeholders.
The users are advised to use all the information, services and material displayed on the website as per the guidelines of Dial4exportmarket.com.
Dial4exportmarket.comdoes not take part in any agreements reached by users and third parties. It’s solely user’s responsibility to verify the authenticity of any third-party transaction.
Information and materials on this site: Guidelines for use
The data and information displayed on Dial4exportmarket.com should only be used as a reference to commercial transactions and business dealings.
Only Dial4exportmarket.com reserves the right for commercial use the information displayed on its website.
Copyright infringement or removal or misuse of any significant information on Dial4exportmarket.com is strictly forbidden.
Plagiarism and data libeling of contents of Dial4exportmarket.com would demand legal action.
Dial4exportmarket.com can cancel the download, print, circulation or display of information uploaded on its website without any prior notice to the users.
Imitation of design or layout of our website in any form won’t be tolerated. Dial4exportmarket.com carries the right to protect its content as per section 13 of Copyright Act, 1957. Hence, modification or publication of our content as whole or in parts won’t be tolerated.
The terms and conditions concerning warranty and disclaimers form an implicit contract between Dial4exportmarket.com and the user. Unless otherwise stated, all materials and services on this site are provided without warranty, no matter how oblique or articulate. However, we are not bound to the obscure warranties of commercial ship, suitability for a scrupulous reason, or non-contravention. With no restriction from the prior, Dial4exportmarket.com does not warrant for the following:
Fault free, uninterrupted or timely implementation of services.
Services and materials strictly in accordance with your specifications.
Immediate redressal for any software error.
Relevant and up to date information or data published on its website.
Accurate and reliable services and materials.
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Potential technical glitches, accuracy of information, typo or any other error.
Dial4exportmarket.com is assessed and used in multiple countries, thus, the services or content may vary from country to country.
Dial4exportmarket.com does not represent or recommend the links present on the website and are not under the command of Dial4exportmarket.com. Due to the nature of these links being accessed outside the control of Dial4exportmarket.com, we cannot be held responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the information on non-Dial4exportmarket.com websites.
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Under no circumstance, Dial4exportmarket.com or its associates would be liable to a third party for any type of disciplinary, indirect, special, accompanying or momentous damage whatsoever.
Any use of the logo, trademark, or service mark displayed on this website is strictly prohibited without Dial4exportmarket.com's written permission.
Any type of legal dispute concerning Dial4exportmarket.com would be addressed only within the region of Dial4exportmarket.com. Legal issues are subject only to the applicable laws currently in force in New Delhi and are subject to the jurisdiction of New Delhi's courts.
Dial4exportmarket.com can’t be held liable for any dispute between or among its users/visitors/third parties.
Members are fully responsible for their classifieds, website, as well as any information/images/content printed or displayed on them. Dial4exportmarket.com is not liable/responsible for any legal issues relating to the content, including authenticity or copyright issues. All such issues need to be directed towards the concerned party/parties.
In light of the above information, we expect that you can make judicious use of Dial4exportmarket.com's facilities and services and strength our business relationships. Dial4exportmarket.com looks forward to serving you with the best possible solutions.